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DOVE - Privacy Policy

Welcome to the DOVE Cloud service!

Tip clause:

Your trust is very important to us, we understand the importance of user information security, we will take security measures to protect your user information security control in accordance with legal and regulatory requirements.

In view of this, DOVE Cloud (or "we") have formulated this "DOVE Cloud Official Website Legal Notice and Privacy Policy" (or "this policy") and remind you that before using the services of the DOVE Cloud website Please read and thoroughly understand this Policy before using the services of DOVE Cloud website, and use the relevant products and services only after you confirm that you fully understand and agree to it.

Once you start using DOVE Cloud services, you will be deemed to have accepted and approved the contents of this policy.

If you have any questions, comments or suggestions regarding the contents of this policy, you may contact us by submitting a work order on the "Contact Us" page.




DOVE Cloud Website: means the official website of DOVE Cloud

DOVE Cloud: unless otherwise agreed, means DOVE Cloud London LTD (registered office: 71-75 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London), the operator of the DOVE Cloud Client.

Personal Information: means all information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person recorded electronically or by other means, excluding anonymized information.

Sensitive personal information: Sensitive personal information is personal information that, if leaked or used illegally, could easily lead to the infringement of a natural person's human dignity or endanger the safety of his or her person or property, including biometric, religious beliefs, specific identity, medical and health, financial accounts, trajectory information, and personal information of minors under the age of fourteen.



Children: refers to minors under the age of fourteen.

De-identification: refers to the process by which personal information is processed in such a way that it cannot be used to identify a specific natural person without the aid of additional information.

Anonymization: The process by which personal information is processed in such a way that it cannot be identified with a specific natural person and cannot be recovered.

User Information: User Information refers to the personal information, such as name, contact information, etc., submitted by you or collected by DOVE Cloud for the purpose of providing services to you, as described in Article 2 of this Policy.

Business Data: Different from User Information, it refers to data that DOVE Cloud's users upload, download, distribute, etc. by themselves using DOVE Cloud's services and processed through DOVE Cloud's technical services.



This policy will help you understand the following:

一. The scope of this agreement

二. How we collect and use your user information

How we provide your user information to the public

三. User business data and public information

四. How you manage your user information

五. How we use cookies and similar technologies

六. How we protect and store your user information

七. Special agreement on user information of minors

八. Updates to this policy

九. How to contact us



一 .Scope of Application of this Agreement

1.1. This policy applies to all services on the DOVE Cloud website, including services that provide you with page views, website login services, and technical services provided to you through the DOVE Cloud website.

1.2. This policy does not apply to services provided to you by other third parties, and the privacy policies or similar documents of such third parties shall apply to the handling and protection of your information, and we shall not be liable for any improper use or disclosure of information provided by you by any third party.

1.3. In particular, if you, as a user of DOVE Cloud, use the technical services of DOVE Cloud to provide further services to your users, you should separately agree on a privacy policy with your users as your business data is owned by you.

1.4. This policy applies only to our handling of your personal information when you use the services provided by the DOVE Cloud website. This policy does not apply to your personal information that we process or host as a fiduciary on the DOVE Cloud website.


二. How We Collect and Use Your User Information

During your use of the DOVE Cloud website, we may obtain user information about you in three ways:

(1) Information that you voluntarily provide to us during your use of our DOVE Cloud website, such as corresponding information filled out by you or your authorized subjects in the context of creating an account, purchasing technical services, etc;

(2) We do not actively collect any sensitive data and behavioral data during your use of the DOVE Cloud website.

(3) Under special circumstances, you may entrust and authorize our staff or partners to upload and submit relevant information on your behalf, such as you entrust customer service staff to assist you in uploading and submitting information.

(4) To provide you with the basic functions of DOVE Cloud website


2.1. Help you become our member

2.1.1 When you create an account on the DOVE Cloud website, you must provide us with your email address and set and confirm your login password.

2.2. To provide technical services to you

2.2.2. In order to help you pay for your order, you will need to provide DOVE Cloud with certain information associated with the completion of the transaction, including information about the products and/or services traded, the amount of the transaction, the time the order was placed, the order number, the status of the order, the payment method, the payment line number, the status of the payment and other necessary information required by anti-money laundering laws, which we collect in order to help you successfully complete We collect this information in order to help you complete your transactions, protect the security of your transactions, check your order information, and provide customer service.

2.3. In order to provide you with a secure and stable DOVE Cloud website service

(ii) To provide you with additional features of the DOVE Cloud website

2.4. To provide you with member information improvement services

After you complete the registration of your DOVE Cloud account, you can continue to complete your information in the "Basic Information" section of your account, or you can choose not to complete it and still enjoy our services.

2.5. To provide you with professional support or assistance

When you request support or assistance from us in the Service Center, you will need to provide us with a description of your problem, which will be recorded and analyzed by DOVE Cloud in order to respond to your request for assistance in a more timely manner and for service improvement purposes. If you refuse to provide DOVE Cloud with the aforementioned information, we may not be able to provide you with the appropriate support or assistance, but it will not affect your ability to use the basic features of the DOVE Cloud website.

2.6. In order to maintain and improve the DOVE Cloud services that you use



三. How we provide your user information to the public

Please understand that some of our modules and features will be provided by service providers for the purposes stated in this policy, and we may share some of your personal information with our partners in order to provide better customer service and user experience. When we cooperate with such partners, we will abide by the following principles: (1) the principle of legal legitimacy and minimum necessity: data processing should be based on legality, have a legitimate purpose, and be limited to the minimum extent necessary to achieve the purpose of processing; (2) the principle of maximizing the user's right to know and decide: the data processing process fully respects the user's right to know and decide on the processing of his or her personal information; (3) (3) Principle of the most enhanced safety and security capacity: We will take the necessary measures to ensure the safety of the personal information processed, carefully evaluate the purpose of data use by our partners, conduct a comprehensive assessment of the safety and security capacity of these partners, and require them to comply with the relevant requirements of the cooperation agreement.

3.1. Entrusted Processing

We may delegate the processing of your personal information to authorized partners in order to authorize them to provide certain services or perform functions for you on our behalf. We will only entrust the processing of your information to authorized partners for purposes that are lawful, legitimate, necessary, specific and explicit as stated in this policy, and authorized partners will only have access to the information they need to perform their duties, and we will require them by agreement not to use this information for any other purpose beyond the scope of the delegation. If an Authorized Partner uses your information for a purpose that we have not delegated, it will obtain your consent separately.

Currently, the types of Authorized Partners we have entrusted include the following:

3.1.1. Authorized partners in the advertising and analytics services category. We will entrust these partners with information related to the placement, reach and effectiveness of advertisements, subject to the use of security technologies common to the industry. We do not entrust your personally identifiable information to our partners.

3.1.2. Suppliers, Service Providers and Other Partners. We entrust information to vendors, service providers and other partners who support our business, and this support includes professional services such as consulting, analysis, marketing, etc. that we are entrusted to provide.

3.1.3. Authorized partners in the payment category. In order to complete payment for an order, we may provide your account information, order information, payment account information, and other information necessary to complete payment to authorized partners of third-party payment categories.

3.2. Third-Party Sharing

In principle, we will not share your user information with other organizations and individuals.

3.3. Transfers

We will not transfer your User Information to any company, organization or individual, except for the following:

3.3.1. transfer with express consent: we will transfer your User Information to other parties after obtaining your express consent;

3.3.2. provided in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, as required by legal process, or as necessary for mandatory administrative or judicial requirements

3.3.3. provided in compliance with the relevant agreements with you (including electronic agreements signed online) or other legal documents;

3.3.4. in the event of a merger, acquisition or bankruptcy liquidation of DOVE Cloud with another legal entity, or other circumstances involving a merger, acquisition or bankruptcy liquidation involving the transfer of User Information, we will require the new company or organization holding your User Information to continue to be bound by this Policy, or we will require that company, organization and individual to seek your authorized consent again. In the case of bankruptcy and no successor, we will delete the data in accordance with the law.

3.4. Public Disclosure

We will only disclose your User Information publicly if we

3.4.1. with your express consent or based on your active choice, we may disclose your User Information publicly;

3.4.2. when required to provide your personal information by law, regulation, mandatory administrative enforcement or judicial request.

3.5. Exceptions to prior authorized consent for sharing, transferring, or publicly disclosing user information

Your prior authorized consent is not required for the sharing, transfer, or public disclosure of your User Information in the following circumstances:

3.5.1. related to national security or national defense security

3.5.2. related to public safety, public health, or significant public interest

3.5.3. relating to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial and execution of judgments, etc;

3.5.4. for the purpose of safeguarding your or other individuals' significant legitimate rights and interests such as life and property but where it is difficult to obtain your consent

3.5.5. personal information that you disclose to the public on your own

3.5.6. personal information collected from lawful public disclosures, such as lawful news reports, government information disclosure and other channels.



四. User business data and public information

Unlike your user information, for user business data and public information, DOVE Cloud will handle them in the following manner:

4.1. user business data, we do not store backup user's sensitive business data.

4.2. Public information, we do not disclose users' personal information.



五. How you can manage your user information

5.1. Queries, corrections and additions

5.1.1 You can login to the DOVE Cloud website to inquire and manage (change, delete or supplement) the basic information (basic information) and contact information submitted when using the DOVE Cloud service through ["My DOVE Cloud" - "User Center"]. 5.2.

5.2. Reproduction

5.2.1. you can copy your personal information by yourself after completing the information search through the route specified in Article 5.1;

5.2.2. You may also contact us through the contact information disclosed in this policy and we can assist you in downloading your account information and device information left in the DOVE Cloud website.

5.3. Deletion

5.31. You may delete some of the information you have submitted via the paths set forth in Section 5.1. or delete all of the information in your DOVE Cloud account by canceling it, except as otherwise provided by law, regulation or industry rules.

5.3.2. You may contact us through the contact information disclosed in this Policy and make a request to us to delete User Information in the following circumstances:

(1) If our handling of User Information violates laws and regulations;

(2) If we collect and use your User Information without your express consent;

(3) If our handling of personal information is in material breach of our agreement with you.

(4) If you no longer use the services related to your registered account

5.3.3. When you or we assist you in deleting the relevant information, the deleted relevant data and information will be erased and cannot be recovered.

5.5. Account cancellation

5.5.1. You can cancel your account by yourself on the DOVE Cloud website ["My DOVE Cloud" - "User Center" - "Account Cancellation"].

Submit an account cancellation request;

5.5.2. After you voluntarily cancel your account, we will stop providing products or services to you, and all data and information of the relevant account will be erased and cannot be recovered.

5.6. How to respond to your request for rights

5.6.1. For security purposes, you may need to prove your identity. We may ask you to verify your identity before processing your request.

5.7. Subject to relevant legal requirements, your next of kin may exercise the above-mentioned rights of access, correction, deletion and copying of your relevant personal information after verification of your identity by us, unless you have arranged otherwise.

5.8. Exceptions to respond to your request for rights

5.8.1. in connection with the performance of our obligations under laws and regulations

5.8.2. directly related to national security or national defense security

5.8.3. directly related to public safety, public health, or vital public interests

5.8.4. directly related to criminal investigations, prosecutions, trials and enforcement of judgments, etc;

5.8.5. where we have sufficient evidence of subjective malice or abuse of rights by you or other subjects of personal information

5.8.6. for the purpose of safeguarding your or other personal information subject's life, property and other significant legitimate rights and interests but where it is difficult to obtain his or her authorized consent

5.8.7. where responding to a request from you or other subjects of personal information would result in serious damage to the legitimate rights and interests of you or other subjects of personal information or organizations

5.8.8. where trade secrets are involved.



六. How we use cookies and similar technologies

To ensure the proper functioning of the DOVE Cloud website, we may store cookies and similar technologies on your computer or mobile device.


七. How we protect and store your user information

7.1. DOVE Cloud takes the security of your information very seriously. We strive to take every reasonable physical, electronic and managerial security measure to protect your User Information. We protect User Information from unauthorized access, public disclosure, use, modification, damage, or loss. For example, we provide secure browsing of the DOVE Cloud website using the HTTPS protocol; we use encryption technology to enhance the security of user information; we use trusted protection mechanisms to prevent malicious attacks on user information; we deploy access control mechanisms to ensure that only authorized personnel have access to user information; and we conduct security and privacy training sessions to 7.2. We will take reasonable steps to protect user information.

7.2. We will take reasonable and practicable steps to avoid collecting unrelated user information. We will retain your User Information only for as long as necessary to achieve the purposes described in this Policy, except as permitted by law. After such retention period, we will delete or anonymize your personal information.

7.3. Please use complex passwords to help us keep your account secure. We will do our best to keep any information you send us secure. If our physical, technical or administrative safeguards are breached, resulting in unauthorized access, public disclosure, tampering or destruction of information, resulting in damage to your legal rights and interests, we will be liable for the appropriate legal action.

7.4. After the unfortunate occurrence of user information security events (leakage, loss, etc.), we will, in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations, promptly inform you of: the basic situation of the security event and the possible impact, the disposal measures we have taken or will take, the suggestions you can independently prevent and reduce the risk, and the remedial measures for you. We will promptly inform you of the event-related situation by email, letter, telephone, push notification, etc. When it is difficult to inform the user information subject by subject, we will take a reasonable and effective way to publish the announcement.

7.5. User information generated or collected by our website and client will be stored within the USA.



八. Special agreement on information about minors

8.1. We provide our Website services and other related products primarily to adults. However, we take the protection of personal information of minors very seriously. If you are a minor, we ask you to ask your parents or other guardians to read all the contents of this policy carefully and to use our products or services and provide information to us with the consent of your parents or other guardians.

8.2. Due to the existing technology and business model, it is difficult for us to actively identify the personal information of minors during the account registration process. If you are the guardian of a minor and you find that we have obtained personal information of minors without their authorization, you may contact us through the contact information disclosed in this policy. We will delete or anonymize the information after verification. If we take the initiative to review the aforementioned situation, we will also take the initiative to delete or anonymize the relevant personal information.



九. Updates to this Policy

9.1. We may revise this policy from time to time.

9.2. We will not limit your rights under this Policy without your express consent. We will post any revisions to this Policy on a dedicated page.

9.3. We will also provide more prominent notice of material changes (including, for certain services, notice via posting on our website or even a pop-up alert to you about specific changes to this Policy).

9.4. Material changes within the meaning of this Policy include, but are not limited to:

9.4.1. a material change in our service model. such as the purposes for which User Information is processed, the types of User Information processed, how User Information is used, etc;

9.4.2. significant changes in our control, organizational structure, etc. such as change of owner caused by business restructuring, bankruptcy and merger, etc.;

9.4.3. changes in the primary recipients of user information sharing, transfer or public disclosure;

9.4.4. a material change in your rights to participate in the processing of User Information and how they are exercised

9.4.5. a change in the department responsible for handling user information security, our contact information and complaint channels

9.4.6. when a user information security impact assessment report indicates a high risk.

We will also archive a historical version of this policy on a dedicated page of our website for your review.



十. How to Contact Us

If you have any questions or comments about the content of this Statement and Policy, or if you have any questions or comments about DOVE Cloud's practice and operation of this Policy, you can visit the DOVE Cloud website and submit a work order on the Contact Us page, and we will respond to your request within the same day.


    Dear users, the DOVE operations team hopes you enjoy using it and thanks very much for your support!

DOVE - Operation Team

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